Beer Awards 2011

Beer Radar for TWTW Friday 3rd of June 2011

By John Krüger

A reminder for the commercial brewers out there, Closing date for entries in the first ever Royal Adelaide Show Beer Competition is Friday 10th June 2011 at 5pm. Don’t let your competitors take out the gold medal just because you couldn’t get it together in time to enter. We’re sick of people whinging about who won what, when the whingers are usually the ones that never entered any of their beers in the first place. There’s draught beer and packaged beer classes with a good range of categories to suit most producers. Dee Rowlands from the show society is handling everything and can be contacted at (*2016 Now contact Brad Ward ) for more information. Don’t sit around waiting to see who does what, if you make a good beer, enter it.

Thanks to some amazing brewers and cider makers from New Zealand, as well as Tony from EU Cellars, Wellington Square in North Adelaide for helping out with our research for the upcoming NZ Special Edition of Beer Radar in WBM. Without giving too much away, all we can say is WOW! there’s some fantastic stuff coming out from the Kiwi’s. It’s not just the Sav Blanc scene they’re stitching up. They’re miles ahead of us with the craft-beer and cider scene. Read all about it in the June edition of WBM.

Published by

John Krüger

I'm a full time photographer with a passion for beer. Also a fan of home brewing, a committee member for the Royal Adelaide Beer & Cider Awards as well as a 6+ years beer judge.